

Ethiopiques numéro 40-41

Revue trimestrielle de culture négro-africaine

nouvelle série – 1er trimestre 1985 – volume III n°1-2

All Africa and indeed the whole world

are stunned and moved !

stunned by your unexpected declaration

and moved by your magnanimous demonstration to come down the political throne

efficiently long sat on.

Created by History

History you have created

you have ably steered the Senegalese

politicalship through rough seas

and dark uncharted waters

and have anchored safely at some

calm deep-water harbour

Senegal will surely walk troden tracks.

Removed by no hidden assassin’s bullet

swept by no turbulent revolution

neatly and in most democratic fashion

you have handed over the reins of government

and a conscious and progressive nation

to your well groomed and tutored lientenant

Sage, senator and seer

O man of golden letters !

Have you heard the echo

reverberating from

Cape to Cairo

and from

People singing salve valeque Senghore

and your dazzling works retorting

salvete valeteque quoque

You have devined the way

Senegal should go

You have seen the dangers

Senegal should avoid

You have wisely guided

Senegal to national good

O scholar, sage, seer and senator

your exemple has shattered a hard myth

and has firmly established the African truth.